Christmas in Idaho - Printing Method

Stochastic versus conventional printing
For the printing of Christmas in Idaho we looked for the technique that would most faithfully reproduce Ray Downing’s fine illustrations. It should preserve the photographic appearance and the smooth color transitions even under a loupe.
We chose stochastic over conventional offset printing for its superior overall results and faithfulness to the original artwork.
In conventional offset printing (above, right image) images are printed using grid-like screens that separate the image into evenly spaced dots that are larger in size in the darker areas and smaller in size in the light areas. In four color process printing, separate screens are used to reproduce each of the four colours, (black, cyan, magenta and yellow).
In stochastic printing (above, left image) images are printed by dots spread randomly throughout the image area. The dots are not equally spaced and aligned in a row or grid and they vary according to the tonal value to be reproduced. The lighter areas have few dots, the darker areas have more dots.
💠 Very pleased with the result !!!