⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “A book that keeps on giving”

After Christmas, the Snowman lingers

This Christmas season has passed, but there still are snowmen. Therein lies the magic of this enchanting book. This is not a spoiler-alert, but there is much about Spring and melting snows, and hope eternal. So, it's a book that keeps on giving.

When I first heard about the book, I thought about "Christmas in Connecticut," and I thought this was just a Western version of that holiday classic. I was delightfully wrong. You'll discover for yourself the difference, the magic, and the meaning. Ray Downing is a gifted artist and imagineer: He provides something for each of us. His original illustrations are like classic art, exquisitely done and well-imagined. The presentation is on gold-leaf-edged paper, a luxury and style most books have lost.

"Christmas in Idaho" will probably never make it to your bookshelf, it belongs on a table, in the foyer, a special place in the family room that Ray Downing so well illuminates. If you can't find it, check under one of your kid's pillows.

— Review by Joshua H.


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