Christmas in Idaho - Embossed Cover

Christmas in Idaho book Ray Downing cover detail

Embossing makes design elements pop


During the cover design stage for Christmas in Idaho, Ray Downing and his team considered different effects. We wanted the title, the golden frame and, most of all, the robing and his key to really pop off the cover.

Embossing is an effect created by raising images or texts against the background, giving them a 3D look.

Having worked in 3D for most of our professional lives, it seemed only natural to add some 3D effects to our book cover.

The process of embossing involves the creation of a special custom die (a type of cutter). The die is carved to align seamlessly with the image (or text) to be embossed. Then, the paper or cover is inserted into the die machine with the die facing the back of the sheet. Markers are set up to ensure perfect alignment.

Once the markers are added, the operator runs the press and the die is pressed into the paper or cover. The raised area of the die then pushes the paper or cover away, creating the raised effect.

💠 We love 3D !

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Definitely a classic for our modern times.”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Something enchanting and mysterious.”