Christmas in Idaho - Gilded Page Edges

Gold adds richness and texture
Gilding is the process of adding a decorative and protective coating to the edges of a book's pages.
The pages are sanded down until they are smooth, and then they’re held together tightly while applying a heated foil to the edge of the pages. Once cooled, the gilding gives a beautiful shine to the closed pages of the book.
So who would go through the expense and bother of having their book’s pages gilded?
Ray Downing and his team, for one!!
We love gilded edges. They add a sense of luxury and elegance to a book, making it more precious.
But not every book can have its pages gilded…. A gilt edge can only be applied to perfect binding and case-bound books.
Christmas in Idaho fits the bill and the gilding adds one more dimension to the overall beauty to this very special book.
💠 But in the end, as Tennysson wrote, “Love is the only gold”… and we hope you sense all the love that inspired this book.
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Read about how the book Christmas in Idaho came to be, in the author’s own words.
“This book is one of those beautiful and lavish treasures and it’s not aimed specifically at young children. I’d say this is more of a family discussion book. Or a family treasure book. A Christmas tradition book you can discuss with your family and enjoy year after year.”
“I bought the book because I love my Idaho home. I found so much more.”
Christmas in Idaho, a book by Ray Downing. “The book combines a sense of magic and spirituality with a fantastical Christmas adventure like no other.” Book review by Ethan Hunt, Idaho Falls Magazine, December 2022.
Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing, Human Relations Indie Book Award winner.
Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing, Christian Indie Book Awards winner.
Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing, Christian Indie Book Awards finalist.
Ray Downing’s beautiful and inspirational book Christmas in Idaho has won prestigious awards in several categories.
Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing is First Runner Up in the Short Story category in the prestigious Hoffer Book Awards.
Ray Downing’s book Christmas in Idaho took first prize in three categories: Audiobook, Gift Book and Specialty Book.
Christmas in Idaho by Ray Downing, Christian Indie Book Awards finalist.
Embossing is an effect created by raising images or texts against the background.
Stochastic printing preserves the photographic appearance and the smooth color transitions even under a loupe.
…he became the main character in this Christmas adventure of awakening, hope, loss and survival.